The R i c h :: The P o o r
The title is mathematically inspired: Peano Curves and Cantor Dust. Infinite occupations of space and infinite recursive reductions. But its tone is political.
Peano Curves and Cantor DustI had originally posted this as an index.html file to a subdirectory to offer to anyone who would truncate a url to see something unexpected. Time to bring it out of the shadows. And apply a transformation to some key words. A translation, if you will.
I ride the subway
The rich do not
I frequent the delicatessen
The rich do not
The caterer makes a house
call with a set of delectable samples
I ride the subway
The poor do not
They walk blocks and blocks
through slush in sneakers
lined with plastic bags to reach a food bank, a soup kitchen, a place of rest.
f o o d s o u p r e s t
f o o d s o u p r e s t
f o o d s o u p r e s t
f o o d s o u p r e s t
f o o d s o u p r e s t
And so for day 1822