Pause and Tumble
from "Beds" in Can I Finish, Please? by Catherine Bowman
These lines float like a haiku in the onrush of lines...
you are enskiedSee what I mean by tumble...
in the mockingbird's
indwelling song
you are enskied"Enskied" and "indwelling" harken to Hopkins but the riot of flowers lead elsewhere, to Chaucer, perhaps...
in the mockingbird's
indwelling song
as it concocts
a soporific
of wolves apples,
and aftershave,
gossip and flattery
and all the daily
salty and unmelodious—
this scent bottle,
clouds of cosmos,
mallow and iris
and marigold—
[and so on]
[and so on]
[and so on]
And so for day 2152