Softly Walking and Waking Eros

Throughout great stretches of Love Medicine and One Song the lover's body is assimilated to the landscape and all the sensations of love-making become inscribed in a choreography of ceremony and participation in the entire world with all of one's relations.

Under his arms, my mouth's
buzzing firefly
hovers and lands
the wet swamp grass
heavy with dew, releasing
the muskeg's secret scent
so he bends, breaks
beneath tongue tracks
so the ducks
fly up
Reconnecting is a matter of life-saving...
if it weren't for your eyes,
hazel as the heat of June
If it weren't for your fingers
all ten of them,
long and straight
that coil in my hair
and led my mouth to fields
where horses graze
and toss their heads, dancing
for apples
sweet as red love.
Gregory Scofield has as one of his poems states "devoted great thought to something and walked softly" : "Pêyahtihk".

And so for day 1256