Promiscuous Circulation
The opening of this poem reminds me of the liaison element in a play by Sky Gilbert, The Dressing Gown which Rick Bébout sums up beautifully: "The title named its key prop, perhaps even prime character: a robe passed from one man to the next, central player in a series of tricks."
Here is Stephen J. Williams from Out of the Box: Contemporary Australian Gay and Lesbian Poets edited by Michael Farrell and Jill Jones
the dear departedThere is more to the poem. See "the dear departed [lovers that have gone]"
lovers that have gone
angels that once terrified us
— threatening to bring death
so near as love —
sometimes return.
these lost lovers,
whose provenance and history
is harder than a coin
passing hand to hand
through all the dull business
of the commonwealth,
arrive at our aching arms
And so for day 1888