Rough Notes from Eells on Pater on Mona Lisa
Emily Eells
Proust’s Cup of Tea: Homoeroticism and Victorian Culture (2002)
p. 183-148
Pater - homoerotic ’Conclusion’ of The Renaissance dropped from second edition; replaced by frontispiece
His description of it makes his meaning clear:The title of the 1873 edition - Studies in the History of the Renaissance - was changed to The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry in the 1877 edition.a face of doubtful sex, set in the shadow of its own hair, the cheek-line in high light against it, with something voluptuous and full in the eyelids and the lips.
p. 190
Pater’s implicit stress on the sexual ambiguity of the Mona Lisa is particularly perceptive, as computer-generated images have revealed that the face with its enigmatic smile in fact conceals a self-portrait of da Vinci. Until recently, John the Baptiste hung alongside the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, a juxtaposition which made the striking similarity in their androgynous faces all the more apparent.See Lillian Schwartz, “Leonardo’s Mona Lisa” Art and Antiques (January 1987) pp. 50-54
Assessment of the claim : Antoinette LaFarge (Oct 1996). "The Bearded Lady & the Shaven Man: Mona Lisa, Meet Mona/Leo". Leonardo: The Journal of the International Society of Art, Science, and Technology.
And so for day 2056