snowward swords compass needles
And so for day 77
Après after
In Volume 8, Issue 7 (February 20, 2007 – February 26, 2007) of Ubiquity in a piece entitled "Cyberspace, Cosmology, and the Meaning of Life" I follow the discursive dance steps of Albert Borgmann and am enchanted by a peculiar skip if not jump.
The seductive distractions of cyberspace can in part be explicated by comparing the spatial structure of focal reality with that of cyberspace. The structure of electronic information is in an informal sense topological. Cyberspace has structure. Sites are nested and linked on the screen in a definite order. But there are no measurable distances between them. Everything is equally near and far and equally and easily reachable, and hence I easily slip from the important by way of the interesting to the distracting. In focal reality, some things are near and others far.
To deal with the confusing brilliance of technological information we need a point of reference that enables us to discern what in cyberspace is illuminating and what is distracting.
Labels: Hyperspace
The most magical moment for me in The Tailor of Gloucester by Beatrix Potter is not the errant-running cat nor the kind helpful mice. It is the description of the result of the tailor's labours. It must be the snow that introduces the description. Something about the uniform blanket of white which children who have grown up in winter climes know obliterates and subdues that adds a special dimension to the display of colour and texture.
When the snow-flakes came down against the small leaded window-panes and shut out the light, the tailor had done his day's work; all the silk and satin lay cut out upon the table.
There were twelve pieces for the coat and four pieces for the waistcoat; and there were pocket flaps and cuffs, and buttons all in order. For the lining of the coat there was fine yellow taffeta; and for the button-holes of the waistcoat, there was cherry-coloured twist. And everything was ready to sew together in the morning, all measured and sufficient -- except that there was wanting one single skein of cherry-coloured twisted silk.
Labels: interference
Brillat-Savarin's first Meditation from The Physiology of Taste provides an outline of six senses. There are the five of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. The six is physical desire and is in the service of procreation. An impish me wants to invoke a translation of this seductive six sense. I want to drop the procreative imperative. I want to recuperate the six senses in the name of the sensus communis and make the erotic impulse flow heroically as the quotidian social glue that is not genitally affixed.
Read with a nice glass of wine in hand, M.F.K. Fisher's translation invites the reader to use a wee bit of imagination to universalize the satiation offered by a good digestive act which magically results in the will to share one's life with someone.
This active, troubling, imperious sentiment is common to both sexes; it brings them together and unites them, and when the germ of a new life has been fertilized, the two people can sleep again in peace; they have fulfilled the most sacred of their duties in thus making sure that mankind will continue.
Labels: Sensuality
R.D. Laing in Self and Others in the first chapter "Phantasy and Experience" reproduces Susan Isaacs's summary of the argument in her 1952 paper "The nature and function of Phantasy". One of the views developed is that
The earliest phantasies are experienced as sensations; later they take the form of plastic images and dramatic representations.
Labels: polyphantasy
Barry Lopez in Winter Count has a piece that is a portrait. "The Lover of Words" is described as understanding
the power of words to draw forth feeling and to mesmerize. He understood how words healed.
At an all-but-unfanthomable depth in his spirit, however, there lay an irreducible idea, medieval and adamantine, about the replicating quality of metaphor and the physical revelation of abstract ideas. As he tended to his bushes and plants, to the trimming of lawns and the hillsides of ivy, he drew himself along in a world of cultivated ideas, trimmed and watered as expeditiously, from which arose an atmosphere as salubrious.
Labels: healing
I once was wisely told by Ted Chamberlin, "You have a story to tell, find a way to tell it" or words to such effect. And years afterwards I was enchanted once more to read in his book If This is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories? Finding Common Ground much more about stories and what he calls "ceremonies of belief" and I "systems of encounter".
Some snippets from the introduction:
Recognizing the strangeness in other people's stories, we see and hear it in our own.
Other people's stories are as varied as the landscapes and languages of the world; and the storytelling traditions to which they belong tell the different truths of religion and science, of history and the arts.
And are all ceremonies of belief as much as they are chronicles of events, even the stories that claim to be absolutely true. We first learn this when we are very young; we learn how to believe before we learn what to believe.
Labels: story learning
fierce hand knows no ire
at the end of a taut line
tugs wind riding kite
Labels: autumn haiku
Dionne Brand in a piece in Brick: a literary journal (Winter 2005, Number 76) writes of women and boxing, women in the ring and in the crowds. In a set of remarks following the description of an outburst from the stands, she reminds us all that "there is a difference between cunning and deceit". It is worth pausing there to register the remark and wonder at what point there is skill in lying and what that point might be.
She goes on to comment on the aesthetic of the sport:
Fight crowds [...] They have a deep and unparalleled appreciation of the grace and cleverness -- the endurance and innovation and imagination -- of boxers, of their virtuosity, and of the way they play with chaos. A good match is as multi-directional and contrapuntal as, say, John Coltrane and Rasheed Ali playing "Venus." It requires that kind of physical and lyrical virtuosity, that liminal combination of improvisation and composition.
[...] boxer invariably beats fighter. Why? Because it's hard to arrive at the nexus of improvisation and composition.
Labels: ways of seeing
The little red book of quotations from Chairman Mao provides an excerpt from On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People
The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion and education, and not by the method of coercion or repression.
Labels: consuming practices
An ornate baroque escapade, a drift towards mania, a flight into fancy, laying tracks. In French the artist and the mad person are not so separate as might be suggested by Edmund White on Genet describing solitary confinements:
If the self is strengthened through intercourse with other people, it is diluted by prolonged solitude. Under such circumstances most people plunge into uncontrolled waking dreams to such a degree they can no longer distinguish between fantasy and reality, the imagination and its inventions. Though probably dismissed as a dreamer, the artist, paradoxically, gains a greater mastery than ordinary people over his imaginary conversations, he or she controls them and is not controlled by them. This mastery derives precisely from the lordly arbitrariness of the storyteller, who is free to abridge, rerun, recast, and otherwise edit his daydreams.
Labels: Ricercar
For a while I incorporated a catchphrase in my signature block for email messages:
connect sometimes by disentangling
Labels: maxims
Just in case you didn't think that words are objects.
How can language acquire a "reality" if it remains outside the realm of objects? [...] Words become symbols; language is symbolic: although words are not things, and things are not words, the principle of reality applies to them both as if words enjoy the same reality as things.
How can language acquire a "reality" if it remains outside the realm of objects? As we have seen the indication of reality accompanies a psychical discharge. While eating, the mouth and the stomach produce a discharge signalling the reality of the food; while speaking, a physical discharge occurs in the mouth signally the reality of language. In this process, as in the process of hysterical symbol-formation, the symbol completely replaces the thing. Words become symbols [...]
Labels: objecting
Sometimes the spam email comes across in the form of a nice surreal poem. Take for instance these two lines which appeared juxtaposed as the subject headers of two separate messages in my inbox one day.
uxorious toothache
boiled stovepipe
Labels: surreal poem maps span
Donna J. Haraway in an interview with Thyrza Nicolas Goodeve published under the title How Like A Leaf calls for a linking of reading and acting.
What has to happen is that literacies have to be encouraged, as well as many kinds of agency. Both literacy and agency aren’t things you have, but things you do.
Labels: doing reading doing
Reading a topographic key, I was struck by the small size of the symbols for school and church and the larger dotted rectangles for cemeteries.
By a sort of inversion it reminds me of a phrase that Laurie Anderson makes much use of "and the living shall outnumber the dead."
And so for day 62
Labels: population footprints
Allow me to draw your attention to Adam Mars-Jones's essay "Cinematically Challenged" in the collection Blind Bitter Happiness. The author picks up the description of a film scene to reflect thus :
The character is in a wheelchair, essentially, because some people are. The chair says no more about its owner than, say, a bicycle or skateboard -- except that its user doesn't ride a bicycle or a skate board. The actor playing the character may or may not use a wheelchair when the camera isn't turning. [...]
Labels: thinking about seeing
Rudolf Arnheim moves in Entropy and Art from describing to prescribing. Capture the reader by the move from a description of an artefact to a description of values and principles. Spot the reader a drink, saddle up a pony.
The structural theme must be conceived dynamically, as a pattern of forces, not an arrangement of static shapes.
These forces are made visible, for example, by the confluence of the large folds in the Madonna’s garment which lead to the hand supporting the child.
Labels: preconceptions
Copy cat strategems, the blues of trading one tender mercy for a whole pack of signifying woes...
From “Rhetoric of the Image” Roland Barthes translated by Stephen Heath
The denoted word never refers to an essence for it is always caught up in the contingent utterance, a continuous syntagm (that of verbal discourse), oriented towards a certain practical transivity of language; the seme 'plenty', on the contrary, is a concept in a pure state, cut off from any syntagm, deprived of any context and corresponding to a sort of theatrical state of meaning, or, better (since it is a question of a sign without a syntagm), to an exposed meaning.
Dystaxia occurs when the signs (of a message) are no longer simply juxtaposed [...] This, as was seen in connection with the functional level, is exactly what happens in narrative: the units of a sequence, although forming a whole at the very level of that sequence, may be separated from one another by the insertion of units from other sequences -- as was said, the structure of the functional level is fugued.
Labels: traversals
Impasse triggers imagination. Obstacles are tackled by the detour of description. Take two lines from Sybil Turnbull:
under backward leaning birches like scarecrow
handwriting against the sky
Mandela moves. Hopscotch. Mimicry.
Mandela move. Spin whirl. Vertigo.
Labels: shot
Command the comma, cede the caesura.
Give the pause, take the break.
Cherish cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die promises extracted by children more conscious of on what than to whom. Favour form over function.
Vow making, X mapping.
Bound for fealty, faithful to the cut.
And so for day 57
Labels: Xng
A.J. Ayer summarizing Bertrand Russell on Christianity does a splendid job in three sentences
This is not to argue that the moral failings, which Christians share with others, prove Christianity untrue. On the theological side, the grounds for not believing it are rational. On the moral side, the charge is that the moral failings find an apparent sanction in a part of Christian teaching; above all, in the doctrine of sin and retribution, and in the parable of the sheep and the goats, the restriction of salvation to the faithful, which has too often outweighed the noble idea of the brotherhood of man.
Labels: free thinking
if endings are where reimagining begins
even prose poems especially poems with ragged margins
warn readers to be careful
of tripping
take “two women in a birth” out of Daphne Marlatt & Betsy Warland Double Negative
are off the train in order to be in the dessert no longer
the object of exchange but she-and-she-who-is-singing
(as the women have always sung) this body my
(d)welling place, unearthed.
Labels: triangulations
Begin and end with decisions:
The decision about when an analysis has yielded the minimal or simplest elements consonant with the purposes of the analyst demands as much deliberation as the decision where to begin the analysis.
Labels: primitives
Adrian Mackenzie from "Transduction: invention, innovation and collective life"
Technological change is consistently and emphatically represented in the form of new artefacts or objects, rather than practices, arrangements and ensembles. The focus is usually fixed on new and highly commodified objects such as digital new media or biotechnologies, rather than the process or events which permit certain objects to materialize or solidify and not others.
Labels: passages
What You Know First by Patricia MacLachlan with engravings by Barry Moser is a tale of a child who must leave her home and as the copy on the back cover indicates "So before they go, she finds a special way to carry with her a part of what she knew first". I am reminded of my own displacements and propensity to collect "objets de souvenir" and find solace in the wisdom of the first person narrator who pledges herself to memory work.
I will take a little bag of prairie dirt.
I cannot take the sky.
Labels: transitions
Sometimes analogies break down.
Computable is to potable as hardwidth is to bandwidth.
Water may flow from the tap but without a host of cups or glasses there is more of a communion trail than joyous toasting. Further: to taste is not to cook.
And so for day 51
Labels: authoring
The context is mayoral. The truth universal.
Honest Ed's is a commercial icon in the city of Toronto. Along with flashing lights, blow ups of newspaper copy adorn its exterior walls. Some two and a half feet off the ground one can read a passage from a text ascribed to Ed Mirvish:
Economics makes the mare go. But history and esthetics make the world livable. (Toronto Star 21.03.1972)
Labels: horse feathers
Gianni Vattimo gave a talk in Toronto recently (Jan 30). His theme was the myth of Unity.
He spoke at some length about Foucault's phrase "ontologie de l'actualité" which he connected in some fashion to Heidegger. Englishing the phrase one gets the "ontology of current events", an apt expression to describe the currents that flow from an event and offers in a sense an ontology inflected towards emanations.
Unity with a capital U points upwards like the logical symbol for union; stood on its head, it is the symbol for intersection. It becomes possible to think unity in terms of connectedness and not merely as dominion. There is a way via Peirce to recoup the Thomastic transcendentals (Unity, Beauty, Goodness) of Being for a practice mindful of place and situation and co-federation — at least from the perspective of Canada, a confederation that was once a dominion.
And so for day 49
Labels: Viewing Currents