Musing a Little Space and Appreciating Pace

One can find various versions of Loreena McKennitt's "The Lady of Shalott" from her 1991 album The Visit which runs at 11:05. Shorter versions are found in recordings of live concerts.

Curious comparers will find that McKennitt's version is shorter than the poem upon which is is based: Alfred Tennyson's 1842 poem which is itself shorter than 1833 version.

I recently heard the song again and was quite taken by McKennitt's performance: it provides the listener with time to absorb lyrics and the music flows on like the tranquil river leading to Camelot. There is something inexorable in the intertwining of voice and strings leading to Lancelot's musing a little space and for this reader/listener to a slower re-reading and a great appreciation for the prunning.

And so for day 1602