The Taste of Truth
Victor Hazan's tribute to his late wife Marcella in the dedication to Ingredienti
This guide is the testament of a woman who based her cooking life on the truth of every dish she cooked and taught, the vigorous truth of clear, uncluttered taste, taste that arises neither from obeisance to dogma, not from a craving for attention, but evolves inspired by, and respectful of, the ingredients that nourish it. To that woman I dedicate this work.A for instance, her tomato sauce with just three ingredients: tomatoes, butter and onion. The recipe calls for discarding the onion before tossing the sauce with pasta. But it is so flavourful from simmering with the tomatoes that the frugal enjoy the onion on its own. Respecting both sauce and ingredients.
To Marcella.
And so for day 1709