Found Poem and Two Pastiches

Borrowed from e.e. cummings a selection of poems

Here they are set in American-style haiku à la Kerouac

the very skillful strangeness of your smile
the sweet small clumsy feet of April came
into the ragged meadow of my soul
And now set in an Anne-Carson-like fragment from some Sappho
the very skillful strangeness of your smile

the sweet small clumsy feet of April came

into the ragged meadow of my soul
Christopher Patton at The Art of Compost reproduces under the aegis of erasure practice a page from Carson and introduces (me) to the work of Jen Brevin on Shakespeare's sonnets (Nets): "Against my love shall be, as I am now" is greyed out except for the found poem "I am / vanishing or vanished / in these black lines".

And so for day 1273